Warren’s Sermon: Beauty from Brokeness

Today will be my final blog entry on the “The Story of David’s Refuge.”  It has been fun, therapeutic, and at times difficult to wade through some of the more difficult parts of our story.  Thank you for taking the time to read it.  It is truly a picture of beauty coming from brokenness.

In closing, I am going to share a sermon I just gave at our church here in Bonita Springs, Turning Point Church.  It is a great summary of our journey, our struggle to understand disability from a biblical viewpoint, and how we took our pain and loss with the help of God and started David’s Refuge.  As many of you know I was a pastor for 15 years.  I unashamedly believe in the bible and use it throughout my message.  If this is something you don’t believe in or care to watch, simply sign off and come back next week for my next Wednesday with Warren!  If you would like to watch the sermon, simply click the video link below.  Thanks for being a part of our story.