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Rob and Carrianne Coyne

How long have you been connected with David’s Refuge?
Close to a year, I believe?

Please explain any diagnosis your child has, and you have experience with.
One son with FASD, ARND (alcohol related neuro-developmental disorder), one son with Type 1 diabetes. Carrianne lost a sister recently who had Noonans Syndrome & heart failure

What is your favorite part of being a host?
We are new hosts and have not yet done a weekend, but we are looking forward to connecting with other families and supporting them.

What is something you want your guests to know about you?
We are an active family and love the outdoors. In our free time we are usually exploring a new location with our motorhome. We created an Instagram page to document our adventures (@ohjoyadventures)! Rob runs a pool store and Carrianne is a home healthcare aide. We love animals and have been rescuing them for many years.

What is a piece of advice you have found invaluable as a family with experience in special needs or a medically fragile diagnosis?
Every day will have challenges and it is important to take time for yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Which partner location is your favorite and why?
Haven’t been on one yet!

A genie grants you the ability to have infinite amount of one item. What is it?
Time! In the hustle and bustle of life it can fly by in the blink of an eye. Even in the hardest of days, I’d take them back to have more time with my children/ family.

What book changed your life?
Rob & I struggled with infertility and miscarriages for many years. We spent all of our savings on doctors appts. and fertility treatments. After “taking a break” and reading “The Power of Positive Thinking”, we found out that we were expecting (with no Dr. help!)

What is a question you wish people would ask you less?
“Is Brayden’s diabetes under control?”