Derris and Anny Henry

How long have you been connected with David’s Refuge?
6 years
Please explain any diagnosis your child has, and you have experience with.
Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder.
What is your favorite part of being a host?
Sharing with other couples and seeing their smiles at the end of their weekend.
What is something you want your guests to know about you?
We have been so blessed by God and the David’s Refuge family that we feel we have to give back and be a beacon of hope to others in their time of need.
What is a piece of advice you have found invaluable as a family with experience in special needs or a medically fragile diagnosis?
Reach out for help when you need it. Please don’t worry, you’re not alone, your David’s Refuge family may have the answer or at least a shoulder to cry on.
Which partner location is your favorite and why?
Tenwood Lodge. the quietness and the fact that we can check in early and enjoy the day Friday
A genie grants you the ability to have infinite amount of one item. What is it?
Money so I can help families in need with a respite weekend, paying for a live-in nanny to those families who have multiple children and have a lot of medical needs.
What book changed your life?
I know my name is David
What is a question you wish people would ask you less?
How do you do it all.
Q. Are there any additional Questions and Answers you would like included? Add them here!
R. I could not imagine my life without this family.