Writing A Better Story

I wonder how many of you have been disappointed with God. I know I have. Something terrible happens, and I think, “Come on, God, why?” At that moment, I have a decision to make.  Do I let my disappointment cause me to become bitter and angry, or do I take a breath and believe that something good or better can come from my disappointment and frustration?

When I become disappointed or even angry with God, I cling to the following two truths:

  1. God loves me
  2. God has a greater purpose and is writing a better story for my life.

It has taken me 65 years to fully embrace these two simple truths. David’s Refuge was born from our decision to believe that despite David’s disease and death, God loved us and was working out a better story for our lives.

I hope you believe, no matter what you are experiencing, that God and your community love you and that He is shaping your story into something extraordinary.