Never Forget…
As we step into a new year, I want to take a moment to speak directly to the moms and dads who are navigating life with a child who has special needs or is facing a life-threatening illness. The start of a new year can bring a mix of hope and uncertainty, but there are three things I want you never to forget!
1. You Are Not Alone.
I know you feel alone. We did as we cared for our son, David. Often, we felt isolated, forgotten, and alone. My prayer for you this year is that you remember there is a vast community of parents, caregivers, and support networks, like David’s Refuge, who understand your journey. Reach out. If you haven’t connected with all the resources David’s Refuge offers, do it now. Make this your one new years resolution.
2. What You Do is the Most Important Thing in the World.
The love, care, and tireless advocacy you provide for your child shape their world in ways no one else can. Your role as their parent and protector is invaluable. Even on the hard days when exhaustion sets in, know that your presence and perseverance are life-changing. You can be doing nothing more important than loving and caring for your child. One of the dad’s we served in our home when we started David’s Refuge often will embrace me with tears in his eyes and say, “My daughter is a divine assignment from God.” He gets it.
3. Never Forget There is a God and Community Who Loves You.
In the moments of doubt or fear, lean into faith and the people around you. You are deeply loved by God and by a community that wants to uplift and encourage you. Ignore the voices that say you are unloved. That is simply a lie. Say out loud right now, “I am loved by God and by my community!”
As you enter this new year, I hope these words remind you that you are seen, cherished, and never alone. May this year bring unexpected joy, renewed strength, and moments of peace for you and your family. We love you, pray for you, and expect great things for you and your family.
Warren and Brenda