Inked in Love: A Father’s Story of Loss and Hope
Tattoos tell stories—deep, personal, and sometimes painful stories. Mine are no exception. My first tattoo was David’s name in braille, a permanent mark on my skin that reflects the permanent mark he left on my heart. It is a symbol of a father who lost his son, a daily reminder of love, grief, and the hope I have of seeing Him once again in heaven.
On Monday, I added a second tattoo—a cross. This, too, tells a story, but not just mine. It is the ultimate symbol of another Father who willingly gave up His Son so that we might have eternal life. John 3:16 says it best: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is why when we started David’s Refuge we wanted to tell every mom and dad that there is a God who loves them.
These two tattoos—one for my son, one for my Savior—help me share my story. When people ask about them, I get to talk about my love for David, but more importantly, I get to share about God’s love for me and for all of us. The pain of losing a child is real, but so is the hope that comes from knowing Jesus. Because of Him, I know that death is not the end. One day, I will see David again, not just in memory, but in eternity.
Until that day, I carry these reminders with me—not just on my skin, but in my heart.