
Today I want to introduce you to a fellow blogger, a mom of a child with special needs, a David’s Refuge guest and host, and friend, Lara Capuano.   I love her honesty, transparency, and genuine faith.  Listen to how she is described on her website:

Lara also makes you feel bipolar because while you are cackling uncontrollably at her hilarity, you’ll inevitably be punctured by the stories of her life that are soaked in grief. There was abandonment, substance abuse, indiscretion, and even murder.  Lara’s older brother Adam was shot Halloween night when he was 17-years-old by an irritated neighbor. Adam was a champion athlete, academic, and hero in his community, and he was the ultimate hero to his baby sister.

This week I opened and read Laura’s blog, I Quit When It’s Cold and  immediately wanted to share it on mine.  She shares the heart wrenching story of how her brother, Adam H. Provencal, was killed.  As you can imagine as October approaches the memory of his senseless killing brings both grief but also memories of her hero brother.

To honor Adam’s life Lara started to challenge herself and others to do something good for someone else.  She called them “#Adams Acts.”  She writes,

I started doing these acts of kindness because I had to do something. I had to be productive and focus outward or I would implode with this seasonal grief and cyclical depression. I wanted to commit myself to honor all the good Adam would have done to the glory of God if his life had not been cut short. This is why we call them #AdamsActs, because these are the types of things Adam would have spent his life doing. I wanted to be just like him when I grew up. Well, here is my chance… 36 is pretty grown up, so here goes nothing.

I was hoping we could join Lara this week in honoring her brother, Adam.  How much time would it take to do one act of kindness for someone else?  Last week almost 2,500 people read my blog.  Can you imagine the good we could all do if each one of us did one little thing for someone else?  I would love to show and remind Lara and her family that Adam’s life lives on through our simple acts of love for others.  So lets do it!  Do one act of kindness, small or big, and share it on Lara’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lara.capuano.  When you do, use the hashtag #AdamsActs.  Let’s show Lara and all who her read her blog that they are not alone and are loved by God!

If you are interested in learning more about Lara’s faith and how it helped her choose to become better rather than bitter, check out a little book she just produced called 31 Day Guide to Greater Kindness.   It is practical, not preachy, and very helpful.  It does cost $1.99.  If you want a copy and can’t afford it, let me know.  Here is an example for you to look at: